1st Unknown
2st Unknown
1st Known
2nd Known

Verify & Showcase

Personal Reputation

Find out whom you can trust and who will trust you back
with the help of your authentic mutual connections

Professional Use Cases

  • B2B Sales
  • Hiring
  • Fundraising
  • Find a Job
  • Find a Provider
As a CEO, time and connections are my most precious assets. Inguro is a game-changer, smartly connecting me to key individuals linked to my inner circle. Finally, a tool that helps me capitalize on the personal credibility that I have been building over many years.
Philip Staehelin
Ex-Managing Partner
at Roland Berger
With Inguro, I can easily find the right person to whom I can ask for a warm introduction. Before, it was somewhat like a lottery to understand if the connections were strong and if they really knew the person. That helps me to cut the investigation time almost by 60%.
Mato Sauer
Head of Sales at
eBiz Consulting GmbH
My best sales deals always come through word-of-mouth. That's exactly how we grew Parkside, a top software firm in Austria with over 100 experts. Inguro enables me to tap into the potential of my network and zero in on prospects who are already inclined to trust me, making them more likely to do business with me.
Ralph Harreiter
Managing Partner at 
Parkside Interactive
Swiss clients value trust, and cold outreach does not work. This is true for both Syncrea, an IT agency, and Coalist, a cooperative of IT consultants. Inguro unlocks the potential of my network and facilitates warm introductions. It finds sales leads where I can easily leverage my personal reputation
Gion Kunz
Board Member at Coalist 
Managing Director at Syncrea
A strong strong network is crucial when expanding a consulting firm. Inguro is a better alternative to LinkedIn Search, making it an indispensable tool for building a superior prospect list. This is a game-changer for generating sales opportunities more effectively.
Martin Kalovec
Ex-Managing Director
at Boston Consulting Group

Goodbye cold approach,
hello warm introductions

How it works

Connect your LinkedIn account
Rate your top 100 connections
Share authentic connections with others
Search for people in your authentic network
Exchange feedback to verify integrity of yourself and others soon
Connect your LinkedIn account
Rate your top 100 connections
Share authentic connections with others
Search for people in your authentic network

Compare Features

LinkedIn Sales
Up to date profile data
Up to date profile data
Professional People Search
Professional People Search
> 1000 search results per page

(speed of navigation through results)
> 1000 search results per page

(speed of navigation through results)
< 25
< 25
< 25
Sort search results by predicted
lead quality 
Sort search results by predicted
lead quality 
See all mutual connections with prospects from search results
See all mutual connections with prospects from search results

Reputation is the fast lane to trusted relationships

of buyers trust personal recommendations more than any other channel
more likely are people to buy from a company when it is recommended by a friend
of high-ticket consultancies name referrals as their top source of new customers
BenchPress Report

Unlock the hidden value
of your reputation

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